
Iluminando o cosmos, um pulsar por vez:

a Comissão de Estrelas Variáveis da UBA desvenda os mistérios celestes para conectar a humanidade às dinâmicas do universo.

Desafios na observação das estrelas

Explorar o céu noturno tem seus obstáculos que abordamos através de nossos objetivos.

Limited Data Sharing

Sharing observational data can be difficult without proper platforms or guidance.

Lack of Collaboration

Observers often work in isolation, missing out on collective discoveries.

Complex Observation Scheduling

Creating an efficient observation timetable can be overwhelming without support.

Missing Star Alerts

Important stellar events might go unnoticed without timely notifications.

Solutions for Astronomers

Our services aim to simplify stargazing, data sharing, and collaboration.


Expert guidance for observers


Guidance for observation schedules


Timely notifications of stellar events

Our Stellar Journey

Embark on a celestial adventure with us as we pioneered variable star observations.

Our approach fosters a community of stargazers and collaborations worldwide.

Join a Galaxy

Join the UBA Community Today and Explore the Stars

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Benefits of Our Services

Unlock a universe of benefits by becoming a part of our stargazing community.

Data Sharing Made Easy

Effortlessly share and access observational data for enriched discoveries.

Collaboration Opportunities

Connect with other stargazers and institutions for meaningful collaborations.

Timely Star Event Alerts

Receive instant notifications on upcoming stellar events and never miss a cosmic moment.

Client Testimonials

Join UBA today and start exploring the mysteries of the cosmos!

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